Healthcare Benefits Trust


BC CEO Network_HBT Legal Fund_Financial Statements – Feb 28 2015

BC CEO Network_HBT Legal Fund_Financial Statements – Jan 31 2015

Group Benefit Plan Project Reference Group Position Paper – May 7, 2012 (PDF)

HBT – Health Benefits Trust, Unfunded Liability – April 30, 2011 (PDF)

Survey Results

The HBT Unfunded Liability Survey was undertaken to learn more about how agencies were being affected by unfunded liabilities in the Health Benefit Trust. click here for results.

The HBT survey results have been incorporated into a document and presented to Minister Coleman by representatives from the Network, HBT Working Group and ASPECT on Monday March 1st.  Read the Survey Results!


Currently, a position has been taken on Healthcare Benefits Trust (HBT) by a coalition of sector leaders, including the CEO Network and the HBT Working Group. This position has been presented to the Ministers of Housing and Social Development and Children and Family Development, CSSEA and HBT. Key elements include:

  • The LTD unfunded liability that HBT is carrying is not the responsibility of the member agencies to pay. Unionized agencies were not given any choice as to their LTD provider, product (i.e. fully insured or self insured plan) or practices (e.g., claims management approaches) and therefore could not exercise their due diligence to protect their organizations from the debts that HBT has accumulated (now estimated at $23M).
  • Agencies should not be required to fund the liability. This is more appropriately a government, CSSEA or HBT debt.
  • Affected agencies should be involved in deliberations about what to do about the unfunded liability and HBT practices.
  • Any alternative should provide for a fully insured LTD plan

“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson